How Much Sugar Are In Your Favorite Treats?

What is your most loved dessert? Is it ice cream, or a piece of cake? According to experts on, these treats contribute to a better mood and overall emotional well-being. There is no wonder chocolate bars are some of the perfect gifts to a hurting lover.

“These kinds of cravings come from long-established patterns,” explains Susan Bowerman of UCLA’s Center for Human Nutrition. “Like memories from when we were kids and were soothed with cookies or rewarded for doing well with ice cream.”

But on the other end of the pan, you also have to be aware that these desserts have repercussions on your health. Enter: diabetes, weight problems, or worse, obesityNatriSweet has consulted with The Huffington Post on featuring some of the favorite desserts in the world. We have also asked the specialists on how much sugar is really in these finds.

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Just hearing from the name, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream can almost make you give up that main dish and go straight to dessert –though that should not be done. The sugar content may depend on the brand or the company serving this dessert. To pick out the most popular ones, Breyer’s mint chocolate chip ice cream has 17g of sugar per half-cup serving, while Baskin-Robbins has 26g of sugar per serving.

Butterscotch Cake

Butterscotch is a flavor that one might not take to indulge with because of its intense sweetness. Mixing the flavor with cakes or ice cream is perhaps a good way to balance out the tastes. Yet, it is also a well-loved dessert, to say that it is irresistible is an understatement. It has 35g glucose.

Coca-Cola Drink

Summer is in, and soda is the go-to drink for several individuals. Quenching thirsts, the Coca-Cola brand is the leading provider of these beverages and could be found anywhere. Good and refreshing, but do you know exactly how much sugar you are consuming in when drinking a glass? Livestrong says that a 12-oz can of regular Coke has already 39g of sugar, and is equivalent to around nine teaspoons of the common sugar you have at home. Sugar is not listed in its ingredients, but the brand uses a corn syrup, which is high in fructose as a “sugar alternative.”

Starbucks Iced Coffee

When you go to Starbucks, you’ll immediately recognize that iconic greeting from the barista welcoming you, but they will also emphasize the fact that many of their offerings are “sugar-free.” It has been clearly defined in our previous blog post what sugar-free really means, and while it is an acceptable term, food labeled as such may still contain sugar or sugar substitutes that are also artificial and unhealthy.

Your Starbucks Iced Coffee has 20g for the 16 fluid ounce serving. So before you head over to choose whether Tall, Grande, or Venti, you also need to be aware of how much sugar you are consuming.

Breakfast Cereals

Cereals are parents’ go-to meal for their children before getting off to school. Marketing ploys reveal that they contain grains and fibers necessary to provide  daily energy requirements for kids. Adults also love breakfast cereals as much children do. But how much sugar is in them?

Once again, the count depends on the brands from as low as a teaspoon of sugar to as high as around eight teaspoons. For instance, Corn Flakes has about two teaspoons of sugar, while Cookie Crisp has seven.

Go And Get That Dessert!

Taking note of the information listed above, how much sugar is allowed and is acceptable to maintain good health? The American Heart Association states that the maximum amount of added sugar that should be in the diet must only range to 150 calories daily for men, and 100 calories for women. These respectively amount to nine teaspoons, and six teaspoons.

Many of the items on the list above may record less sugar content, but these aren’t the only meals that you will be consuming in a day, right? What could be done?

Abstaining from these desserts might churn out guilt, and it has always been said that sugar is still part of your daily nutrient intake. However, there are alternative sweeteners in the market that you can use to make these recipes. They are made with herbs like Stevia and are healthier compared to common sugar. For example, using these sweeteners instead of the packets served in your favorite coffee chain will help lessen your risks to sugar-related illnesses.

NatriSweet is the best-tasting zero-calorie, zero-carb, non-glycemic response, natural sweetener available in the market today. Its uses are endless. Whether you want to bake something delicious or add a mouth-watering sweetness to all of your favorite recipes, pastries, desserts, and beverages, NatriSweet is making sure that all goes healthy and well. Watch out for the next batch of this list!
